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City of Calgary Rezoning Information

City of Calgary – Information Provided on the Proposed Blanket Rezoning Policy

A link to the extensive information provided by the City of Calgary on the proposed policy for blanket rezoning of Calgary Communities can be found here: Rezoning for housing (

For a full map of the City of Calgary showing how communities will now be zoned, please click here.

Note – For an explanation of the parameters of R-CG and R-G zoning, please see the attached corresponding info sheets for each.


Alternative Viewpoints – Information Sources That Contain Alternative Perspectives on the Proposal

Given that the information provided by the City of Calgary is primarily intended to extol the benefits of rezoning, some may find it beneficial to obtain other perspectives on the matter. Some links to groups that have formed to raise alternative perspectives to the blanket rezoning proposal can be found below:

Communities Matter – Some Communities Organizing in Opposition to the Proposed Rezoning Policy:

Home | Communities Matter

Calgarians for a Great Calgary – Facebook Discussion Group (Primarily Composed of Opponents):

Calgarians for a Great Calgary | Facebook


NOTE – As City Councillor for Ward 13, I do not endorse the above groups or the positions they hold relating to the proposed blanket rezoning policy. These sites are being provided as examples to better understand the contrarian positions held by some communities and residents. It would not be responsible for us to simply provide information from the City of Calgary that describes the benefits of the proposed blanket rezoning policy, without providing information relating to some opposing viewpoints. It is up to residents and communities to decide for themselves and we encourage everyone to do their own research as well to better inform your position on the matter.


Plebiscite Notice of Motion on Blanket Rezoning Defeated at Special Meeting of Council

After hearing from numerous Ward 13 residents and communities who are concerned with the proposed blanket rezoning policy, five of my Council colleagues and I decided to present a Notice of Motion asking for the issue to be brought to a ‘Vote of Electors’ at the time of the next Municipal election. I believe this would have allowed a more fulsome debate on the subject and ensured Calgary residents were able to have their wishes heard by City Council and Administration. If successful, this would have postponed the Public Hearing on the matter until after a plebiscite was held. Unfortunately, this motion was defeated 8-6 at a Special Meeting of Council on Wednesday, March 13th, 2024.     

NOTE – Some have misinterpreted my introducing the above motion for a plebiscite as an indication of my being opposed to the proposed blanket rezoning policy. This is incorrect. While I do have concerns with the proposed policy, it is my responsibility as City Councillor to remain amenable to persuasion on the subject until the conclusion of the Public Hearing and corresponding debate. I fully intend to continue listening to the public and will not reach a decision as to how I will vote on this matter until after the Public Hearing and corresponding debate have concluded.


Ways for Residents and Communities to Get Involved and Be Heard by City Council and Administration

Rezoning for Housing Engagement – City of Calgary (This is separate from the Public Hearing)

Deadline for comment submission: April 11th at Noon

Submit your comments here: Rezoning for Housing | Engage (


Blanket Rezoning Public Hearing Meeting of Council (Deadline for Registration is April 15th at Noon)

Date: Begins April 22nd, 2024

Time: Begins 9:30 am

Register to speak or submit your comments here: Participate in public hearings of Council and committee (

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